
Open Repositories Fedora committers/tech-folk meeting:

Monday, 13/Jun/2016:

Remote access

Those Who Expect to Attend

Agenda topics

  1. Introductions (all)
    1. What is your current Fedora status?
    2. If you are not on F4, what are your migration/installation plans? What are your barriers?
  2. Clarify distinction between NonRdfSource and its Description as one repository resource or two LDP resources
    1. Example, what are the implications of event messaging from actions on either "resource"?
  3. Fedora API Specification
    1. Seeking initial agreement, followed by alignment of implementation to specification
  4. ModeShape5, backend databases, and migrations
  5. Atomicity in the Java kernel API
    1. Which methods on services and resource types are atomic and / or synchronous? This is going to matter to reimplementations that reuse the Java kernel API.)
  6. Local implementations and/or implementation ideas, issues? priorities? (open forum)
    1. ...
  7. <add topic here>


API Specification


Batch Atomic


Fixity Checking