Developers / DCAT Meeting before OR16 on Mon, June 13, 2016

Face-to-face developer's meeting on topic of the DSpace RoadMap at OR2016 in Dublin.

Who is invited?

If you don't fall into one of the above categories, you are still welcome to attend. However, be warned that discussion will likely get very technical at times (which is why we recommend you be a developer or have a technology background).

Please sign up for this "working meeting" as follows...



Agenda is currently in progress. Please add ideas/topics to the "Suggested Topics" section below.

This meeting will be organized as a group discussion. Although at times one or more of us may lead discussion sections, it is meant to be a group discussion and not a series of presentations.

9:00am : Introductions

9:15 - 11:00am :  Part 1

11:00 - 11:15am : Coffee Break

11:15am - 12:30pm: Part 2

What would YOU like to hear about or discuss?  Please add your ideas to this list, and we'll do our best to work them into the agenda.


Sign Up to Attend!

If you're planning to attend this meeting, please add your name to the sign up sheet. This will allow us to determine a proper headcount and ensure we have enough space for everyone.

Sign Up Sheet - Will Be Attending  (If you are only able to attend part of the meeting, please note your approximate arrival)

  1. Tim Donohue

Possibly Attending / Unsure


Meeting Notes

Will be posted here after the meeting