




The Year in Review: How Did We Do in 2015:

Development | Membership | Adoption | Upgration | Training | Other

David Wilcox / Andrew Woods

Budget review

  • 2016 Budget
  • 2015 Budget (for comparison)
  • Should we allocate funding to a maintenance developer?
  • Should we allocate more funding for website/marketing work?
David Wilcox

Goals for 2016

Tom Cramer

Meetings: what Fedora-related conferences and events will happen in 2016?

  • Which events should we focus on?

Membership drive & expansion — Strategy Discussion

A. Beyond Libraries

B. European Expansion

David Wilcox

A. Interest from Neil Jefferies, Stefano Cossu

B. Matthias Razum, Wolfram Horstmann

Training: Assessment, next plans

Group Discussion
Vendor strategy: how can we get service providers into the ecosystemJonathan Markow
Feedback to DuraSpace on Membership BillingDavid Wilcox
Fedora Leaders: Building & Keeping Group MomentumTom Cramer
Fedora websiteDavid Wilcox

Previous Actions



Agenda Review

  1. The Year in Review -- 15 minutes (9:45)

  2. Goals for 2016 -- 1 hour (10:00)

    1. incl Developer Commitment

  3. Membership drive & expansion — Strategy Discussion -- 30 min (11:30)

  4. Meetings: what Fedora-related conferences and events will happen in 2016? -- 30 min (12:00)

  5. Training: Assessment, next plans -- 20 min

  6. Vendor strategy: how can we get service providers into the ecosystem -- 15 min

  7. Budget Review -- 20 min

  8. Feedback to DuraSpace on Membership Billing -- 10 min

  9. Fedora Leaders: Building & Keeping Group Momentum -- 20 min

  10. Fedora website -- 20 min

Parking Lot

  1. Clarify Fedora’s relationship to other projects (that rely on it).  E.g. Hydra in a box includes Fedora. Implications for funding and marketing.

  2. “Year of upgrations?”

  3. Gap analysis with longitudinal visualization to show adoption over time?

  4. Focus not on upgrations but rather on Fedora 4 new successes?

  5. Is there a way to bring clarity to the “kinds” of reference implementations?  That focus could play out in several ways (development, marketing, use case matching).

2015 Year in Review


2014-> 2015

63 -> 76 members (15 new members, 2 lost members)

$525k -> $560k (includes $115k in new funding, $80k in lost revenue from previous members)

Mostly North American.

How do we get to 100 members?

 Market expansion (new geographic regions, new domains--like museums)

Need to emphasize breadth of members in communications

Have consciously tried to expand number of members at all levels; diversification of risk

2016 Project Plan


Technical Goals

Andrew asserts;

  1. we have consensus on these 5 API functions, more or less

  2. we should push the development to get these done sooner rather than later

  3. we should invest in a set of tests of the API specs


this raises branding and identity issues

  1. what is Fedora? a layer, not a repo

  2. are these the right 5 services? and...

    1. how does this relate to API-X effort

    2. invoke services

    3. modeling digital objects

    4. storage & lower level implementations

    5. what does this mean for digital preservation?

  3. another reference implementation. can we find one.


Developer Commitments
