This task force is active. To join this task force, please contact the task force lead, Jing Wang


There have been several discussions in VIVO Hackathons and Implementation-Fests regarding to the possible solutions of a networked VIVO to break the VIVO silos and reduce data redundancy.  One example of data redundancy is that each VIVO site has some stubby URIs for the coauthors at another institution.


This task force will take several parallel processes to identify the challenges and investigate the possible technical solutions to a networked research ecosystem, focusing on the issues related to the person URIs:


Suggested schedule



Develop charter


Solicit members and schedule first meeting


Document multi-site research network user scenarios


Develop system of systems integration requirements2015-07-31

Explore challenges and evaluate possible technical solutions


Revise deliverables, final review




Dave Eichmann, Member

Don Elsborg, lead

Benjamin Gross, Member

Melissa Haendel, Member

Violeta Ilik, Member

Huda Khan, Member

Eric Meeks, Member

Nate Prewitt, Member

Jing Wang, lead

Others to be solicited from community

Communication Channels

Agendas and Notes

Meeting Times

The task force will meet as needed.  Meeting is open to VIVO community. Link to meeting minutes will be published on this Task Force page so that they are publicly available