Date & Time


We will use the international conference call dial-in. Please follow directions below.


Review: Proposed features for DSpace 6.

The DSpace Release 6.0 Status page now has an UNCONFIRMED release plan for DSpace 6 and an incomplete list of proposed features. Many of these features are currently still looking for a volunteer to implement.

By reviewing and vetting some of these suggestions, we may be able to raise the profile on this work so that a volunteer may be found in time to get this developed prior to the pull request deadline of September 30th. 


Proposed agenda item: Is there any interest in getting behind developing something akin to the JISC Publication Router? (Jim O. can say more about this if there's interest and time)

Potential extra topic:

Preparing for the call

Please look at the DSpace Release 6.0 Status page and see if any of the proposed features are particularly relevant/important to you.

Meeting notes


Call Attendees