
This meeting is a hybrid teleconference and IRC chat. Anyone is welcome to join...here's the info:



  1. Deprecate fcr:import and fcr:export ?

  2. HTML/JS integration test library?
  3. Four-digit versioning scheme?
  4. 4.4.0 focus
    1. Move projects into fcrepo-exts (see: F4 GitHub Organizations)
      1. Rename packages to "org.fcrepo.exts", or something else entirely
    2. Decouple those projects from the fcrepo4 pom.xml parent
    3. Plan on all extras projects starting independent versioning with 4.4.0
      1. Therefore, 4.4.0 will represent a common ground zero
    4. OSGi - demonstrate runtime configurability of F4?
    5. Servlet-API version? 3.01 -> 3.1.0
      1. Modeshape depends on 3.1.0
      2. This would imply a hard requirement on Tomcat 8 or Jetty 9.1 for deployment
      3. OSGi already requires 3.1.0 and Karaf 4 as a container
  5. ...

  6. Tickets resolved this week:

  7. Tickets created this week:


  1. Deprecate fcr:import and fcr:export ?
  2. HTML/JS integration test library?
  3. Four-digit versioning scheme?
  4. 4.4.0 focus
  5. Andrew: There are a lot of bugs  (https://jira.duraspace.org/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=27). Most of them are very low hanging and easy.  Most of them are very small changes.  Anyone who is interested in getting into different parts of the code base  - these are good opportunities to pick up tickets.