DuraCloud Storage

The primary DuraCloud application is called DuraStore, this is where storage is managed. DuraStore has a variety of storage adapters, each of which is built to communicate with a specific storage system. All calls to work with content go through a thin mediation layer, to ensure consistency between the storage providers, and then are passed along to the providers themselves to complete the work.

DuraCloud storage begins with spaces. Spaces are the containers into which content is placed. Spaces are also where access control is defined. Once a space has been created, content can be stored there. All content stored through DuraCloud lands first in a primary Storage Provider and is then copied as needed to other providers. Actions that occur with content always take place through the storage REST API (even if this is hidden by client tools or nice UI controls.)

Storage REST Interface

Space Actions

Content Actions

Other Actions

DuraCloud Instance

Wrapping around the storage system is a DuraCloud instance. This is the runtime system, which includes two other web applications. One of these applications, DurAdmin, provides the web-based DuraCloud user interface. The other, DuraBoss, manages the generation of storage reports. Both of these applications operate by making calls through DuraStore. All three of these applications live on a virtual server where they are hosted to provide the DuraCloud application endpoints.


DuraCloud Mill