BagIt is a specification for packaging/storing content for preservation and transfer. For Chronopolis, we use the bagit specification as a base, only updating certain files to be required.


Bag Structure
         |   bagit.txt
         |   manifest-sha256.txt
         |   bag-info.txt
         |   tagmanifest-sha256.txt
         \--- data/
               |   [payload files]

Currently we require sha256 for Chronopolis, so all manifests are appended with "-sha256"

Data Files

The data files (the payload of a bag) in the BagIt spec  are all the files found under the data directory. If there are orphaned files (those not found in the manifest, but exist in the data directory), a bag is deemed to be invalid.

Tag Files

Tag files are all those in that exist outside of the data directory. The bagit.txt and bag-info.txt files are standard and we follow the same requirements as in the BagIt specification for them.


Optional Tag Files

Duracloud Bridge:

Each optional file is digested and added to the tagmanifest. Validation on optional files is not currently supported.

Unaccepted Tag Files