Fedora4 (F4) implements the Linked Data Platform (LDP) W3C Recommendation. Additionally, the Portland Common Data Model (PCDM) has increasingly become adopted as a common content modeling approach in Fedora4.

This guide is designed to describe the details of both LDP and PCDM in the context of F4 by walking through a simple example of a single collection, consisting of a single book that implements page ordering.

This diagram depicts the logical structure of resources and relationships of a collection ("poe") that consists of a book ("raven") that consists of three pages that are ordered.

The following steps will walk through the process of creating this structure from the ground up.
The different types of LDP containers and sources will be detailed, as well as the PCDM types and relationships in the steps below. 

The ldp:BasicContainers are simply containers of other resources. BasicContainers can contain both other containers as well as ldp:NonRdfSources (or "binaries").
There are three PCDM types here:
  • pcdm:Object
  • pcdm:Collection
  • pcdm:File

Additionally, there are two PCDM relationships that indicate resource membership and file membership:

  • pcdm:hasMember
  • pcdm:hasFile

The descriptions of these resource types and relationships may be found in the detailed Portland Common Data Model page.