VIVO hardware requirements (in progress)

There is no single preferred configuration for VIVO. Your needs will depend on anticipated size of your VIVO database and server load.


VIVO may be hosted on one or more physical servers, on virtual servers, or in the cloud.  The three currently separable components are the main web application, the MySQL database (with the default Jena SDB triple store), and the Apache Solr search index.

Please add your site to this table!

Sitephysical/virtual/cloudapp/solr/db/otherCPU cores/GHz/cachememory (dedicated vs. burst)OSdisk storage/MySQL DB size/triple countaverage page hits per day/monthnotes (e.g., ingest solution, whether allow editing, whether using HTTP caching)
Cornell #1 (VIVO 1.7)virtual (local)VIVO, HTTPD, Tomcat, Solr2 / 2.67 / 12MB16 GB64b RHEL< 150 GB disk About 12,000 faculty/academics/staff; does allow editing but most done by VIVO staff & students
Cornell #2virtual (local)MySQL2 / 2.67 / 12 MB8 GB64b RHEL< 150 GB disk  

CU-Boulder (VIVO 1.7)


physicalTomcat, MySQL, HTTPD, SolrIntel 2 socket/8 core, 2 threads/core = 32 virtual CPUs128 GB64b RHELDB = 50MB; Disk = 600GB; 340K triplesroughly 100 page hits/day, 37K page loads in 2014Full nightly loads / duration = 1 hour; 1700 people plus positions, degrees, and research (no publications yet). 3 VIVO instances on this server)
Scripps (VIVO 1.7) VIVO, Tomcat, MySQL, Solr4 cores8 GB64b CentOS 5.44.2 million triples 355 people, 31K+ publications (journal articles)
Weill Cornell (VIVO 1.7)virtual 4 cores8 GB   does use HTTP caching for non logged-in users – subsecond rendering of large profiles IF a page has been visited already
Memorial University #1 (VIVO 1.7)virtualVIVO, Tomcat, Solr, Drupal4 cores / 2.4G / 12 MB16 GBRHEL 580 GB disk still working on the data – 2000+ profiles, 2000-2500 projects, 500 knowledge mobilization ideas
Memorial University #2virtualMySQL4 cores / 2.4G / 12 MB16 GBRHEL 580 GB disk  

Duke #1

(VIVO 1.5)

virtualVIVO / Tomcat2 VMs / 4 cores / 2.90GHz8 GB

Scientific Linux release 6.6

25 GB NAS (shared space for photos)


No editing in VIVO.

Faculty: 5,957

Duke #2


MySQL, Ingest Process, Solr

4 cores / 2.90GHz12 GBScientific Linux release 6.6

~8 GB (MySQL data dir)

~2 GB innodb reports






2014 Survey

The following chart and environment summary shows the range of reported hardware types, memory, and related technologies used.