VIVO I-Fest 2015

The 2015 VIVO Implementation Fest will be hosted by the Oregon Health and Science University on Monday and Tuesday, March 16 and 17th, 2015 at the OHSU Library in Portland, Oregon. Set high on a hill above the city and reachable by a cable car, OHSU will be great venue for this event, not least because of the eclectic food and cultural attractions of Portland itself.

A team is being formed to plan the event and your input (and participation) would be very helpful – please contact Nicole Vasilevsky (vasilevs at for questions on local arrangements and Layne Johnson, VIVO project director (ljohnson at for questions on the topics to be covered and schedule until the full team has been formed.

While each I-Fest is unique, some patterns have emerged and it may be worth reviewing materials from previous implementation fest events at Washington University in St. Louis, the University of Colorado Boulder, and Duke University.

2015 VIVO I-Fest Announcement and Invitation

2015 VIVO I-Fest Logistics

VIVO I-Fest Planning Meeting Minutes



Is there a charge for the I-Fest?

Who may attend?

What is the format?

Please add your questions below: