
An author profile is a page that showcases the author’s biography and provides links to content that the author contributed to. 



|F|M|T|1389620440889|          |bram|Use Case and high level benefits. Can someone with limited technical background understand what this is about?|
|F|M|T|1389620638059|          |bram|Step by step how to use. Can someone with limited technical background use the feature?|
|F|M|T|1389620491621|          |bram|Technical implementation details. Did you provide enough details for other developers to add or extend on your work?|
|F|M|T|1389620524789|          |bram|Configuration. Did you describe which aspects of your contribution can be configured and where configuration happens?|
|F|M|T|1389620576924|          |bram|Template text cleanup. Have you removed the template text that was initially included on this page?|
|F|M|F|1389620841679|          |bram|Installation details. If your functionality will not be enabled by default in DSpace, provide details on how the functionality can be installed or enabled.|


Use case and high level benefits

Describe which need the contribution is fulfilling and why it was originally created. Screenshots are always nice and will make people enthusiastic about your contribution.


Is enabled by default in the current pull request, but this could change, if it does we need to add install documentation.

Working with author profiles

Creating an author profile

Only members of the Administrative group can create author profiles, this was done because at the moment there is no way to link a certain author metadata value to a registered user account.

When logged in as administrator the "Create new author profile" link becomes available in the sidebar. This link directs the administrator to the 'Create new author profile' page, displayed below. The semantics of each field are explained on the page. The fields 'Last name', 'First name', 'Author values used for finding records' and 'Email address' are required. The other fields are optional by default (this can always be changed in the configuration).


Editing author profiles

Once an author profile has been created it will become available on the following pages:

Author profiles can be reached by clicking on the author icon located next to the author's name. Non administrative users will only have access to the public profiles. An administrator can edit an author profile by browsing to the author profile and clicking the "Edit this author profile" link. 

When an administrator is editing an author's profile, a link will be added on top of the page that will allow the administrator to view the profile with the changes he made.

Deleting an author profile

When logged in as administrator, you'll find a link in the bottom of the 'Edit' page (above the "Save author profile" button) allowing you to delete the author profile.

Displaying author profiles

Author profile "home" page

The main view displaying an author profile is shown below. It displays not only the author's profile but also all his submissions (as author or coauthor).

Author profile browse page

The "Browse by author profiles" link is available in the Browse sidebar. The 'Browse by author profile' view offers all available author profiles. Private author profiles will only be displayed if the logged in user belongs to the Administrative group.

Discovery author sidebar facet

When the sidebar facets are displayed the author profile icons are displayed next to the authors who have an author profile.

Technical Implementation Details

Author profiles is currently only available for the XMLUI.

DSpace core model changes

The standard DSpace domain (DSpace Objects) contains the following objects: Community, Collection, Item, Bundle, Bitstream (a file), Group & EPerson. Metadata and authorization polciies can be attributed to all of these objects.

By creating a new DSpace Object class "AuthorProfile", we sticked to that standard architecture, and kept the author profile table very lightweight. That table only contains an identifier, used to link the author profile to metadata and authorization policies. An additional database table was created to link the author profile picture to a bitstream. 


The fields which can be entered in the 'Edit profile' page can be edited in the dspace.dir/config/spring/author-profile-edit-page.xml file. This configuration file allows you to indicate which fields are required, repeatable, add new fields, ...

TODO: Discuss the configuration in detail


Where should I put my page? (DELETE this section from template when finished)

Here is a very short introduction to the hierarchy of the documentation. when in doubt, put your page straight under Using DSpace.