Note:  This website has recently been reorganized to allow public access to some areas.  A link to the Steering Committee closed pages is almost immediately below:

Steering Committee

Future conferences

OR 2014 | Helsinki, Finland | 9-13 June, 2014
  • Conference website:
  • Key dates:
    • 3 February 2014: Deadline for submissions
    • 10 February 2014: Deadline for submissions
    • 4 April 2014: Submitters notified of acceptance to general conference
    • 17 April 2014: Submitters notified of acceptance to interest groups
    • 9-13 June 2014: OR2014 conference
OR 2015 | Indianapolis, Indiana, USA | 8-11June, 2015
  • Conference website: tba

Open Repositories Conference Governance


OR2014 - Helsinki

OR2013 - Prince Edward Island

OR2012 - Edinburgh

OR2011 - Austin

OR2010 - Madrid

OR2009 - Atlanta

OR2008 - Southampton

OR2007 - San Antonio

OR2006 - Sydney