Editing Best Practices (to avoid release errors)

Always use Relative Wiki Links!

When entering in links to other pages in this wiki, never use the Full Harcoded Link. Instead, always use a relative link!

For example, if you wanted to link to the Configuration page:

Another example! This time, of a link to a specific heading on a page. Suppose you wanted to link to the General Configuration header on the Configuration page:

You can view the source of this page for examples

Use our standard Table of Contents when creating a new page

In the Official DSpace Documentation, we try to use a standard "table of contents" on each and every page (it's even at the top of this page).

This table of contents does a few things:

  1. formats the TOC like an "outline" (1, 1.1, 1.2, 2, 2.1, etc.) (Display Section Numbering = checked)
  2. turns off any special styling (List Style = none)
  3. ensures the numbering begins with the first "Heading 2" (Minimum Heading Level = 2)

For an example, just view the Wiki Markup for this page!

There may be occasional exceptions to this rule. One example is the Upgrading a DSpace Installation page, which uses a bulleted-list based Table of Contents (as the outline numbers look confusing next to the DSpace version numbers).

Additional General Wiki Syntax Hints

Some general Wiki Syntax hints/tips can be found in our DSpace Wiki Style Guide.

Obviously, just clicking "Edit" on any wiki page (and especially looking at the "Wiki Markup") is a great resource as well!