
The OAI Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH) is a standard for sharing metadata across repositories. Every Fedora digital object has a primary Dublin Core record that conforms to the schema at: This metadata is accessible using Fedora's OAI-PMH Provider Interface. Currently, only the Dublin Core metadata for each object may be disseminated via this interface. The Fedora OAI-PMH Provider Interface uses the standard OAI-PMH syntax and will accept any valid OAI-PMH Version 2 request.

Interface Syntax

The Fedora OAI-PMH Provider Interface is implemented as a java servlet and can be accessed using the following syntax:


For example, to request an OAI _Identify_verb request, use a URL similar to the following:


and the Fedora repository will respond with an XML-encoded mime-typed stream providing identification information about the Fedora OAI provider.