Developers Meeting on Weds, August 7, 2013


Regular Items

Discussion Topics

  1. Pull Request Reviews (first 10 minutes or so) - Starting with #203
  2. DS-1609 : DSpace 3.2 OAI-PMH Functionality needs JDK 1.7 (Java 7)
  3. DS-1188 : Change how default collection page works. Comment on patches available for both JSPUI and XMLUI (thanks Keiji & Kevin!). In both cases implementation slightly differs from the specification in the ticket, but is still much more user-friendly than what we've had before. Does it require more work? Should we merge it anyway and perhaps keep improving it?
  4. DSpace 4.0 planning
    1. Need to finalize a 4.0 Release Schedule & advertise it.  Suggested schedule from Andrea Bollini:
      1. Feature Freeze:  Oct 20
      2. RC1: Oct 31
      3. Testathon: Nov 5-6 (should this be Nov 4-15? usually we aim for two full weeks)
      4. RC2: Nov 21
      5. Final Release: Dec 4
    2. Tim question: Do we need to set a "goal" a few weeks (or month) before "Feature Freeze" for developers to submit their New Feature PRs before?
  5. Other topics for discussion?

Additional Ongoing Topics

  1. Brainstorming Features/Changes for future. Can we work towards development teams around any of these projects?

Individual Status Updates

If you have status items to report, please enter them below at least 1 hour before the meeting starts.

Meeting Notes

Meeting Transcript

Action Items

(Action items go here, if any)