Calls are held every Thursday at 1 pm eastern time (GMT-5) – convert to your time at – and note that the U.S. is on daylight savings time.

View and edit this page permanently at, or use the temporal Google Doc for collaborative note taking during the call.

Alternating status updates and issues review on weekly calls

(Alex) As the VIVO community continues to grow, we should examine the content and format of our weekly calls. I think that it's great to have around 50 opportunities each year to come together virtually and share our progress and challenges. I hope that you agree in having a single weekly meeting as compared to splitting back into dev and impl calls, but how can we best achieve this while giving a growing number of VIVO implementors a voice? While also addressing other special topics and issues from the mailing list?

One idea is to do a full round of status updates every other week, and to have folks use the wiki and publicly shared Google Doc to add their updates in advance. Then we could focus on the highlights during the call. Every other week we could focus more on development issues and other special topics. Every week we'd seek to address highlights from the mailing lists.

What are some other suggestions? Maybe ideas taken from other distributed communities or large research projects?

NIH would like to link RePORTER to institutional faculty profiles

From: Weber, Griffin M [
Sent: Sunday, July 14, 2013 9:47 PM
Subject: FW: NIH would like to link RePORTER to institutional faculty profiles

I'm not sure if you've seen this. NIH now has a way to bulk link your institution's faculty URIs to their RePORTER records. Chris Dorney from Boston University was the first to use this feature by sending them all the URIs from his BU Profiles site with the attached Excel template. You might want to forward it to VIVO sites. I imagine that if faculty URIs are linked to RePORTER, then it could also make it easier in the future for SciENcv to link to institution based profiles.

(Chris) You can see the general announcement of what was done in an issue of The ReSource (, as well as on one of their blogs ( You can just email them the file - Jim's contact info is on the template (also on Google Docs) . It's a nice way to drive more traffic to your sites.

Notable implementation and development list issues

VSTO ontology slowing down web app
Adding link to institutional repository
vivo:realizedRole and vivo:contributingRole
Proxy editing
VIVO usage data
Jena source of slow MySQL queries for publications
As an example, let's suppose the predicate in question is vivo:linkedAuthor.  If you see a query like the following, where ?publication gets prebound to a particular publication URI,
   ?authorship vivo:linkedAuthor ?author .
   ?publication vivo:informationResourceInAuthorshop ?authorship. 
then rewriting it as
   ?publication vivo:informationResourceInAuthorshop ?authorship. 
   ?authorship vivo:linkedAuthor ?author .
so that the specific publication URI comes first might fix the problem.
Desired functionality: user can trigger a change in in-page sort order
Restricting user access to data from named graphs
    1. creating a RequestedAction: an instance of EditObjectPropertyStatement or EditDataPropertyStatement
    2. asking the Policy bundle whether the user is authorized for this action.
    3. modifying the display based on the answer

See the vivo-dev-all archive and vivo-imp-issues archive for complete email threads

VIVO 1.6

VIVO 2013 Conference



Call-in Information

Date: Every Thursday, no end date

Time: 1:00 pm, Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-04:00)

Meeting Number: 641 825 891

To join the online meeting

To join the audio conference only