


Tuesday 2013-07-30

  1. Understanding jboss / xacml engines
  2. Writing up policy-enforcement-point
  3. Requires upgrade to jaxrs2.0
  4. Will be sending out request for Auth requirements
  1. Newly joining sprint b1 from UPEI
  2. Working on tuque
  1. Research on policy-driven-storage (PDS)
  2. There appears to be no spring config for PDS
  3. Where should the config be stored in jcr?
  4. Look into initial content
  5. We need a consistent pattern for storing config in jcr

Wednesday 2013-07-31

  1. Has flushed out AuthN/Z strawman
  2. Still will require jaxrs-2.0
  3. Looking at how to get the PDP configured as part of the project
  1. Is stomp pull request ready?
  2. Is working on tuque
  1. Progress continuing
  2. Working on CRUD operations of storage policies via web-api
  3. Will create new tickets
  1. Working with APTrust and interested in pushing asynchronous storage and BagIt connector work forward

Thursday 2013-08-01

Fedora Committers Meeting

Friday 2013-08-02

  1. Working on getting group principles into security context
  2. Working on support for container authentication
  3. How best to populate security context
  4. Need to consider how delegated users reflect updated permissions
  5. Need more concrete use cases
  6. What, if any, relationship is there with openId and oauth?
  7. Note: Modeshape 3.4 version coming out next week
  1. Interest in sakai auth integrating with fedora
  2. Interface between consumer and policy driven storage must be defined/designed
  3. When are updated storage policy rules recognized by kernel?
  4. What information is only available once an object is created
  5. What do real users want to make policy storage based on?
  6. Can fedora expose hardware usage info?
  7. We need new tickets, Osman to create/update

Monday 2013-08-05

  1. Working on mock with shib header
  2. Goal: authN, acls in repo, produce roles, role -> pdp, ...
  3. How to make serializable principals in mode?
  1. Adding transaction into tuque
  2. Stomp
  1. Added unit tests
  2. Cleaned up tickets
  3. Currently storing storage policies as node properties
  1. Two current areas of interest
    1. BagIt
    2. Async store
  2. Working on registration of content
  3. Two connectors

Tuesday 2013-08-06

  1. Will discuss recent work after call, re:refactoring and test failures
  2. Question: where are storage-policy configs picked up?
  3. Will contact sakai tech lead about auth work
  1. Has sent Tuque function list that still needs to be implemented
  2. Will send list of functions that are currently working
  3. Tuque requires significant to integrate with F4
  1. Working on new integration tests
  2. Has created new overlay project, merging into fcrepo-webapp
  3. Fedora against mode-3.4 fails because of mixin type inheritence

Wednesday 2013-08-07

  1. Has done some implementations
  2. no long any dependency on jaxrs-2.0
  1. Cleaning-up code
  2. Fixing build errors
  3. Will be pushing updates for review today
  1. Looking into cnd breakage
  2. Reviewing Osman's policy-storage work

Thursday 2013-08-08

Sprint close