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Discussion Topics

Collaborative ontology development tools

(Jing) Goals are to have a common workspace for the official VIVO ontology and for extensions to it that are under development.  The VIVO team at Hopkins will be a decentralized effort and they will need collaborative tools even for their own purposes.

Proper use of global citation count


We are ingesting citation counts. Does it seem odd to anyone else that the citation count seems to belong in two places - the label and the hasGlobalCountValue? I couldn't find another case where repeating data in the label and a traditional data property is necessary. See the bolded RDF below.
 <rdf:Description rdf:about="">
 <rdf:type rdf:resource=""/>
 <rdf:type rdf:resource=""/>
 <c4o:hasGlobalCountSource rdf:resource=""/>
 <c4o:hasGlobalCountDate rdf:datatype="">2013-04-19</c4o:hasGlobalCountDate>
 <c4o:hasGlobalCountValue rdf:datatype="">18</c4o:hasGlobalCountValue>
 <rdf:Description rdf:about="">
Here is how this looks if you click on the link from the document record:

Modeling institutional affiliation


About a year ago, I put in a JIRA ticket to ask how we should model co-author affiliation: (moved to DuraSpace JIRA VIVOONT-5)

That seemed to be a real stumper, because the fix version was delayed until post-1.6. At the time, I put in the ticket our publication ingest wasn't working and the Scopus API was outputting XML showing institutions in a big lump rather than tied to each author. Now though both of those roadblocks have been overcome. Also, unlike before, I have a not terrible approach to this. But I'm not sure if it's ideal.

For every author in the data, there is a Scopus-normalized institutional name (e.g., the author lists "Weill Medical College of Cornell University" and Scopus maps that to "Weill Cornell Medical College"), and a Scopus-generated institutional identifier (e.g., 60007997). In cases of multiple affiliations, you will see multiple institutional names and identifiers.

Here's the approach:
1. Create an object property for InformationResourceInAuthorship called ScopusInstitutionalAffiliationID.
2. ScopusInstitutionalAffiliationID has a range of foaf:organization.
3. Give foaf:organization has a data property of ScopusAffiliationName.

This will be really useful for us if we can bring these data in: it will populate our Dashboard, we can see how often our faculty actually list our institution, and we can identify patterns of inter-institutional collaboration.


Review and prioritization of changes for VIVO 1.6

see VIVO Ontology v1.6 Issues

Other recent issues

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