
please add or suggest any additional items


Implementation Fest planning

Review and prioritization of topics to discuss at Implementation Fest meetings

There are five ontology sessions at the upcoming I-Fest:

  1. VIVO ontology overview and design patterns; core vs. local extensions; introduction to the new Integrated Semantic Framework (Jon and Nicholas)
  2. SPARQL 101: query fundamentals, sample queries, and simple reports (Nicholas)
  3. Knowledge Mobilization Ontology– presenting the use cases and progress to date by that work group (Lisa, Jing, and Jon)
  4. Ontology extensions to represent research & scholarship in the Humanities, including Artistic Works (Steven, Amber, and Jon) – and coordinating with how to work with Artistic Works in Elements, including what if any identifiers should or can be attached to the work
    1. the notion of derivative works over its full life cycle and beyond simple authorship – republishing, translated, and appearing in different manifestations – as an additional mark of success or impact
      1. implications for citation tracking
    2. additional publication types
    3. relating works to events through additional relationships beyond "product of" – transcriptions, but also a work being the impetus for an event
    4. the status or condition of a work – in review or unpublished, whether the work was commissioned or funded by a grant, inclusion in a collection or anthology, on tour, part of a permanent installation
    5. when is something a work vs. an event vs. professional service – consulting activities, field work such as being the director of an archaeological dig sponsored by a grant or government project, and the works derived from these events or activities
    6. different kinds of contributing roles to publications or events – how specific or generally should these be modeled
    7. and bearing in mind previous work that has been done such as 
  5. Work session on open ontology issues

What issues are priorities for discussion in session 5 – especially if they are not listed here?

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