The notes below reflect a summary of the March 13 open forum discussion answer the proposed questions.


Wednesday, March 13, morning sessions (cmm)

James Hilton kick-off


JH Short overview of Fedora past

Institutions and foundations invested heavily in DSpace and Fedora and it was good. Millions of dollars were spent. Institutions and foundations said they were done. "You must be self-sustaining". There was no spigot with millions of dollars coming out of it. How do we make the organization self-sustaining was a DuraSpace board question. How to sustain community open source projects is a community issue. Revenue was diversified over a number of years with the sponsorship program and grants along with service revenue. This is the moment to take up the question sustainability for open source projects.

Michele and Jonathan Myths and Debunks (see slides)


What are the interrelationships among our efforts?

How is governance going to come out of this somewhat new perspective (for this group)?

Tyler Walters (see slides)


Does DPN need DuraSpace?

Does Tyler have an idea of how much that $$ would buy without the community efforts and projects?

Sayeed, We need to put a timeframe around this. There is an urgency. Data is being destroyed right now. It is being destroyed now--what was wrong with those people (us).

Wednesday, March 13, afternoon sessions

Attendees were asked to have table discussions and report out their answers to the following questions:

  1. What did you hear today?
  2. What do you have concerns about?
  3. What has inspired you?
  4. What unanswered questions do you have?

Table reports


Fedora Futures session

Eddie via Skype from Singapore: "The sun never sets on the Fedora empire."

Jonathan: Why are we talking about FF now?

 Tom Cramer, Project overview 

Eddie Shin, Tech overview


Thursday, March 14, morning sessions 

DSpace Session

Initial Discussion Questions:

Main challenges group discussion identified:

Is the roadmap / increased functionality a pressing issue?