The notes below reflect a summary of the March 13 open forum discussion answer the proposed questions.


Tues. March 13, morning sessions

James Hilton kick-off


JH Short overview of Fedora past

Institutions and foundations invested heavily in DSpace and Fedora and it was good. Millions of dollars were spent. Institutions and foundations said they were done. "You must be self-sustaining". There was no spigot with millions of dollars coming out of it. How do we make the organization self-sustaining was a DuraSpace board question. How to sustain community open source projects is a community issue. Revenue was diversified over a number of years with the sponsorship program and grants along with service revenue. This is the moment to take up the question sustainability for open source projects.

Michele and Jonathan Myths and Debunks (see slides)


What are the interrelationships among our efforts?


Difference between stewardship and ownership is that the ds board and org are charged with the fiduciary reap of keeping the org going; communities have to "own" the projects


"Dude, you own the software."


How is governance going to come out of this somewhat new perspective (for this group)?


Is some of the ambition of the meeting about moving projects into services column?

Not necessarily. We have done the low-hanging fruit service (DSpaceDirect). We are not in a crisis and are not abandoning DSpace or Fedora--have enough $ for immediate future. Clarifying roles of community and DuraSpace


Less  about sustainability and more about momentum


We cannot continue to find the gap in development costs


Fedora is a piece of code; FedoraCloud is a service


VIVO sponsorship level is higher than DSpace or Fedora Levels; expectations is that the founding sponsors will set the strategic direction for VIVO; looking into a service offering that will help with VIVO sustainability


Products not projects?? Not backed up with sales of the product. this is how people know how they are doing and what they are doing.


How many people believed some or all of these myths (early slide) before this presentation. If people leave understanding this slide it will be a success. This meeting is really about the future of Fedora and DSpace.


Engaging the other 93% of repository users in new ways?? Can it be done either financially or with cont in kind?


Have to find ways for folks outside of ARL to contribute, perhaps non-code, testing, usability perhaps. Not able to contribute at the 2-FTE level


Lifecycle for a stack of software is 5-10 years. This is a different timing issue that general preservation policy and scholarship has already gone digital. We are in humanities in the digital age.


Tyler (get slides)


VT participation $122,904 total = 1.4 FTE


ARL library; 17.2M dollars annually


For this annual investment we get many benefits


Where do the larger increments of dollars that it will cost to participate in DPN beyond 20K--of course there are ongoing costs for having staff participate; leverage the scarce developer resources we have with those of other shops


When talking digital preservation the language is often not understandable by those people who fund preservation efforts


Enough digital content that u administrators value that we can start having the DPN conversation


Does DPN need DuraSpace?


Code layer at the bottom is necessary to manage your digital content in a way that is visible and meaningful for scholars and scholarship. We need DSpace and Fedora to do this.


Without the stack there ain't no DPN; DPN needs repositories. Is the value proposition worth it to the DSpace and Fedora communities


Does Tyler have an idea of how much that $$ would buy without the community efforts and projects. The way it works for Virginia Tech is idiosyncratic and involves a lot of "pushing around"


Sayeed--Need to put a timeframe around this. There is an urgency. Data is being destroyed right now. It is being destroyed now--what was wrong with those people (us).


there is not any chance to preserve on some materials that are so fragile they are deteriorating. 


Invisible to Visible--Ann Wolpert


Scientific integrity has widespread support


In australia there are 2 funding agencies and research data must be accessible; U New South Wales; Fedora is critical to this effort


What we pay for software to access collections is high--has 7 people working on Fedora; Tyler's kind of arguments can help illustrate to people why this is important.


What have you heard?



What do you have concerns about?



What has inspired you?


What unanswered questions do you have?