Tim Berners-Lee:

LOD Request

Relationship to the Ontology

Namespaces and VIVO LOD

Contents of Linked Data

When responding to a request for linked data about an individual, VIVO returns:

This data is filtered by the usual VIVO privacy policies, so properties such as salary or employee ID number may not be revealed unless the requester has been properly authenticated.

Extended Linked Data

VIVO releases prior to 1.6 served what was called "extended linked data". Additional items were included in response to linked data requests. These included:

Although these additional items were included, extended linked data was based only on relationships from the individual. Relationships to the individual were not included.

Extended linked data was costly to produce, in terms of resources, because it required a recursive search of the data model. Extended linked data typically contained 50% more information than its non-extended equivalent, and took more than 10 times as long to produce.

VIVO release 1.6 can be configured to produce extended linked data, in order that sites may ease the transition. Subsequent releases will not support extended linked data.


http://www.w3.org/DesignIssues/LinkedData.html http://linkeddata.org