Your first Harvest

Much of the work has been already done for your harvest but a few changes need to be done to the configuration so the harvest knows where your CTSA IP data is and records you wish to ingest.

The first run

Three folders will be created

The logs folder contains the log from the run, the data folder contains the data from each run, and the previous-harvest folder contains the old harvest data for use during the update process at the end of the script. While you're testing, I would recommend treating each run as the first run (so no update logic will occur). You can do this by removing the previous-harvest folder before running again.

Inside the data folder, you will find the raw records utilized during the ingest. To see what rdf statements went into VIVO, you can view the vivo-additions.rdf.xml file. Conversely, to view what the harvester removed (because of updated data), you can view the vivo-subtractions.rdf.xml file. This file will be blank on your first run, since you have no previous harvest to compare the incoming data against.

Followup Runs and Queries

It is recommended to execute a single harvest and then run to remove the rdf each time you run a test harvest until your satisfied with the results. If then want to change the query to harvest more data in, make a duplicate copy of the example-ip folder and run the script from there (be sure you remove the previous-harvest folder before your first run).

Overview of script