
Special Topics

Since using the JSONPath realized it would be pretty similar to harvest using XPath – for fairly complex XML in multiple namespaces, in a common agriculture metadata format.

One of the limitations now with the JSONFetcher is that it's not recursive – requires a flat JSON model, and would like to go back to improve it after this trip to Rome. The XPath fetcher does have the ability to recurse into the data structure.

Got a nice demo today from Huda Khan about the use of the terminology annotations from the Stony Brook UMLS service as demonstrated at the VIVO Conference. Might be able to invoke during a harvest to resolve terms in incoming data to existing controlled vocabulary URIs.

John's semantic services could store the SPARQL query (e.g., to DbPedia), convert to JSON, and the fetch.

Is a JSON-LOD project that represents LOD as JSON.

Notable Development List Traffic

Call-in Information

1. Please join my meeting, Thursday, October 6 at 1 pm EDT https://www1.gotomeeting.com/join/431156241

2. Use your microphone and speakers (VoIP) - a headset is recommended. Or, call in using your telephone.

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Meeting ID: 431-156-241

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