The DSpace digital repository supports two user interfaces: one based on JavaServer Pages (JSP) technologies and one based upon the Apache Cocoon framework (XMLUI). This chapter describes those parameters which are specific to the Manakin (XMLUI) interface based upon the Cocoon framework.

Overview of XMLUI / Manakin

For more detailed overview of XMLUI/Manakin, see the following resources:

The XMLUI (aka Manakin) is built on Apache Cocoon framework. The XMLUI uses Cocoon to provide a modular, extendable, tiered interface framework

The XMLUI essentially consists of three main tiers, in increasing order of complexity:

  1. Style Tier - allows one to use CSS and simple XHTML to stylize an existing XMLUI Theme
  2. Theme Tier - allows one to use XSLT, XHTML and CSS to create new, more complex XMLUI Theme(s)
  3. Aspect Tier - allows one to use the Cocoon framework and Java (or XSLT) to create new features (aspects), and generate new content into DRI.

These tiers are very important and powerful because of their modularity. For example, based on your local expertise with these technologies, your institution may decide to only modify the XMLUI at the "Style Tier" (by just modifying CSS & images in an existing theme). As you learn more about themes & aspects, you may decide to slowly venture into the more complex "Theme Tier" and finally into the "Aspect Tier". Other institutions may determine that all they really need to ever do is make "Style Tier" changes.

Digging in a little deeper, there are three main XMLUI components that are unique to the XMLUI and used throughout the system. These main components are:

Understanding the Flow of an XMLUI Request

One of the harder things to initially grasp in the XMLUI is how a single user's request (e.g. clicking on a link or button) flows through the entire system of enabled Aspects and Themes. Understanding this flow is also very important as you work to build your own Aspects (or complex Themes), as it may allow you to more easily determine what is going on in the system.

Before getting started, it's worth mentioning that this request flow is controlled via a series of sitemap.xmap (and other *.xmap) files. These sitemap.xmap files are Cocoons way of defining the flow. More information about Cocoon Sitemaps is available at:

The following explanation provides a high level overview of how a request is processed, how a DRI document is generated (via Aspects), and then how it is transformed into XHTML (via Themes). As this is a high level overview, some details are likely left out, but the overarching flow is what is most important.

  1. A user visits an XMLUI page (by clicking a link or button, etc)
  2. That request begins in the root Cocoon {{sitemap.xmap}} (located at {{\[xmlui\]/sitemap.xmap}}). This is the main entry point for *all requests*

Harvesting Items from XMLUI via OAI-ORE or OAI-PMH

This feature allows you to harvest Items (both metadata and bitstreams) from one DSpace to another DSpace or from one OAI-PMH/OAI-ORE server to a DSpace instance.

This section will give the necessary steps to set up the OAI-ORE/OAI-PMH Harvester from the XMLUI (Manakin). This feature is currently not available in the JSPUI.

Setting up a Harvesting Collection:

  1. Login to XMLUI and create a new collection.
  2. Go to the tab named "Content Source" that appears next to "Edit Metadata" and "Assign Roles " in the collection edit screens.
  3. The two "Content Source" options are "standard DSpace collection" (selected by default) and "collection harvests its content from an external source". Select "harvests from an external source" option and click Save.
  4. A new set of menus appear to configure the harvesting settings:
  5. The list of radio buttons labeled "Content being harvested" allows you to select the level of harvest. These harvesting options include:
  6. Select the appropriate option based on your needs, and click Save

At this point the settings are saved and the menu changes to provide three options:

Automatic Harvesting (Scheduler)

Setting up automatic harvesting in the Control Panel Screen.

Additional XMLUI Learning Resources

Useful links with further information into XMLUI Development