KnowledgeBase is a framework designed to make users immediately productive with DSpace or Fedora and help users understand how to set up and run their repository.  KnowledgeBase is not a duplication or replacement for the official software documentation for DSpace or Fedora.  Rather, it is intended to be a supplemental, teaching resource designed for beginners who want to get started with the DSpace or Fedora application from scratch.  
KnowledgeBase Basics: 
In case you were wondering:
Getting started
What is KnowledgeBase?
KnowledgeBase is a framework designed to make you immediately productive with either DSpace or Fedora and help you understand how to set up and run and repository using either technology.

KnowledgeBase aims to provide a framework and encourage community collaboration to produce a set of tools that will improve entry level DSpace and Fedora user experience.

KnowledgeBase will describe/display what a DSpace or Fedora repository is, what challenges they can solve and how to get started.

KnowledgeBase is not a duplication or replacement for the official software documentation for either DSpace or Fedora. Rather, it is intended to be a supplemental resource, including dynamic content delivered through various methods (written text, screencasts, presentation slides, webinar recordings, etc.) which describe specific examples to make the material as accessible as possible.

Click here for more information on the proposed strategy and tools for KnowledgeBase.

The KnowledgeBase is a collaboration of DuraSpace, the not-for-profit organization supporting DSpace and Fedora, and our Registered Service Providers, committers, developers and user communities. All of the KnowledgeBase is currently under development. While it may start to be useful to you, it may contain incomplete and/or erroneous information. You can help by reviewing and posting your comments and corrections or by emailing Valorie Hollister at

DSpace KnowledgeBase
Fedora KnowledgeBase

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