Ongoing Proposed and Active Development Areas in DSpace. Please join in!

If your work on DSpace involved any of the aspects below, please go to the relevant page to see what's going on, and add yourself to the list of interested parties! (Just add your name to the bottom of the page.) The goal of the DSpace Community Process is to establish an organizational process to the creation of new Proposals, Special topic Meetings, and their eventual "graduation" into DSpace Development Projects with scheduled integration timeframes to get into DSpace.

DSpace architecture white paper by RobertTansley - dspace-architecture-whitepaper.pdf\

Legacy Idea Pool

Please work through these idea pages (children of the DevelopmentAreas page) and the rest of the hardcoded list below to consolidate the sections of this page into labels for above grouping.

Everything Under this Point needs to get reorganized and labeled. Use appropriate labels so that project proposals and active work areas show up where they should above.

From Scratchpad...

This page is intended for those of you doing DSpace work to provide a link to wiki pages you may have created to support your development work or to document your procedures.
Typically code will be stored in the "sandbox" area of the source tree.


Work towards the DSpace 2.0 architecture: DSpace 2.0 Original Proposal

Storage refactoring


User interface framework

Other aspects






Installation / Updates

Other planned/possible work