
Call-in Information

Time: 10:00 am, Eastern Time (New York, GMT-04:00)

To join the online meeting:



(star)  Indicating note-taker

  1. Dragan Ivanovic 
  2. Georgy Litvinov 
  3. Brian Lowe 
  4. Benjamin Kampe 
  5. Mark Vanin (star)
  6. Michel Héon 
  7. Huda Khan 


  1. Questions/Issues/Pull requests/Announcements
    1. Expert Finder Webinar
    2. i18n issue with ordering and filtering by the first letter -
    3. Documentation improvement
      1. Performance tuning -
      2. Change URI feature -
    4. Java HEAP out of memory -
    5. Float data properties regex -
    6. Dynamic API, reengineering of io -
  2. The next sprint
    1. When?
      1. 19.09. - 07.10. 
    2. What?
      1. Improvement of expressiveness of notation
        • Iterative steps
        • Operation data 
      2. Improvement of UI
        • Support for more rich structure of entities
        • Notation for UI layouting 
      3. Completion of authorization and authentication 
      4. Extension of SHACL rules
      5. Editor for definition of a dynamic action
      6. VIVO based on dynamic actions
    3. Who?
  3. Summer vacation period
    1. 05, 12, 26 of July, 2022
    2. 09, 23, 30 of August, 2022


  1. Questions/Issues/Pull requests/Announcements
    1. Expert Finder Webinar was a good time for VIVO, since it’s one of the open-source project here and one that is vibrant with its development.
    2. Nice to have dynamically populated different field, because now we have user-defined hard-coded internalization rules. Sigma had similar problem, they overcome it with they’re own i18n files. Problem appears, due to collisions in languages. In a short-term: custom fields (that, probably, might/have already problem).
      Michel (had this problem): you can get rid of it by, probably, make translation inside VIVO (Spanish ontology). Problem could also be in a SPARQL query. What VIVO version they use, might be resolved in 1.12 (high chances only for French language).
      Brian: mentioned this issue
      Georgy: for multiple languages you need multiple modifiers or have fields based on the languages. Solution might be - extend modifiers.
    3. Documentation improvement - small issues need further look at.
    4. Try to improve your heap (make it bigger). Other solutions might appear after Dragan will try to reach this person.
    5. Little typo with dot at the end of the float number now fixed.
    6. Lots of information about technical side: how to return json in rest-api, everybody is welcomed to participate in a future testing. 
  2. You can register for next sprint already.

Draft notes in Google Docs

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