The OR2022 conference is an in-person only conference taking place June 6-9, 2022 in Denver, Colorado, USA.  See

DSpace 7 Workshops

(At this time, no in-person DSpace 7 workshops are planned for OR2022.  Instead, we have tentative plans to hold a virtual DSpace 7 workshop/webinar event sometime in 2022, date to be decided.)

DSpace 7 Presentations

DSpace 7 Roadmap & Community Updates

DSpace 7 ORCID Integration

Bring IIIF to the DSpace community (a similar talk has been accepted for the IIIF 2022 Conference as well)

DSpace-CRIS, anticipating innovation

DSpace 7 Posters

The EOSC DIH “ELD Advance“ project

DSpace 7 Developer Track

Implementing the Notify protocol and standard practices in DSpace

Other DSpace related talks at OR2022

This section includes other DSpace-related talks proposed for OR2022.  Please feel free to add your own talks.