The Cornell DASH! and the Discovery and Access (D&A) teams collaborated to integrated linked data into the author knowledge panels and the author and subject pages.  For our first round of prototypes, we received feedback from the user representatives around which features and data they found useful and which they thought should be improved or removed.  After we shared our revised prototype,  we also received some suggestions that could be incorporated into possible future work.

Summary of feedback

The feedback on our initial prototype can be classified as covering multiple areas: (a) features and data that were deemed useful and relevant, (b) concerns which could be addressed by technical improvements or design changes, and (b) concerns around data quality, comprehensiveness, and alignment with the catalog.   We present some of this feedback below, with some comments regarding possibilities for additional development for some of these points.

We also received feedback about additional possibilities for work when the representatives reviewed the final production version of author knowledge panels and author and subject pages.

Feedback slides

The user representatives provided their initial feedback in the form of slides showing screenshots of examples they wished to highlighted.  These slides are available here. Additional feedback referenced above was provided in email conversations.