


Ongoing issues, scheduling, curator duties, new NAAN form.

Discussion items


Bertrand Caron is taking a job opportunity that implies that he will quit the ARK group for at least 7 months (maybe definitely), he will give us more information on monday 24th. He will ask for a BnF replacement and will ask the Ministry of Education for a representative.

Calls for papers, submission deadlines, upcoming meetings: Calendar of events

ARKs are on the agenda for Texas conference on digital libraries on May.
iPRES call is out (Glasgow).
Chloe did a masters thesis that could become the basis for conference presentations

Any news items we should blog about?
We're getting close of 900 ARKs. 

DRAFT primary and secondary curator monthly duties

- secondary
- respond to requests within 2 business days
   (business days are M-F, minus holidays)
- facilitate NAAN wg meeting for that month
   - approx. one week before, create draft agenda, remind group of meeting and invite to add agenda items
   - run that month's meeting, take some notes, record them in the agenda page within 2 days
- at each meeting, confirm curator for next month and set schedule 3 months out
- at end of month (or whatever transition date agreed), the curator sends a message to the group: "turning it over to X and Y" with note about any anomalies (this is a reminder to X and Y)


JK: is the new github ARKA organizational account a good place to maintain this document?
all: ok with that

Reducing reliance on Confluence wiki
Begin migrating content off of Confluence about the NAAN group (maybe to GitHub).
status of new NAAN formJohnTo be settled next month.
Plan out next month curators
Aurélien Conraux (primary) will do February and John Kunze (secondary) backup. For March maybe Stéphanie Gregorio (if she can) and David Nogueiras Blanco (secondary) backup.

Action items