

  1. Danny Bernstein  (star) (note taker)
  2. Peter Winckles  
  3. Michael Ritter 
  4. Demian Katz  
  5. Geoff Scholl 
  6. Joshua Westgard
  7. Mark Jordan  
  8. Arran Griffith 


  1. Desired Features
  2. Review Existing Solutions
    1. UMD
      1. Features
      2. Scalability
      3. Limitations
    2. RipRap
      1. Features
      2. Scalability
      3. Limitations
    3. Camel Toolbox
      1. Features 
      2. Scalability
      3. Limitations
  3. To extend or to roll anew
  4. Availability over this quarter


Riprap Mode: 

Demian - suggested using version hardening techniques (using platform  in compose json and avoid * dependencies) for dealing with symphony/php version migration issues. 

UMD - https://github.com/umd-lib/umd-fcrepo-docker/tree/develop/fixity

Actions:  Mark Jordan  and Joshua Westgard will update the matrix on the desired feature page to clarify what currently exists and what could easily be added to complete the feature set.