
 from 14:00-15:00 UTC

Location: (Meeting ID: 502 527 3040).  Passcode: dspace

  1. Final analysis of Testathon feedback
    1. VOLUNTEER HELP APPRECIATED: Final review of Test Plan spreadsheet. Ensure all feedback/bug reports are captured in GitHub Issue tickets (most already should be), so that we can prioritize, etc
    2. UNTESTED TASKS (needing volunteers):
      1. Test Handle Server setup/functionality with a real handle prefix (see T044 in Test Plan spreadsheet).  Make sure URLs are redirected properly (as this was overlooked during Testathon)
      2. DSpace 7 Security Analysis (In our dev process, we have been running automated security checks, but an external analysis would be nice)
      3. DSpace 7 Performance Analysis (In our dev process, we've done past performance analysis, but more "real life" checks would be nice)
  2. Final analysis of Accessibility Results (from Deque) - assigned to Tim Donohue 
    1. Analyze all "Critical" (72) and "Serious" (293) accessibility issues (link requires login). Turn into GitHub Issue tickets & prioritize & assign for estimation
  3. Estimating/Announcing 7.0 Release Date
    1. Requires estimating all high/medium priority TBD tickets:
    2. Requires completing both analyses above
  4. Ongoing bug fixing / code reviews of remaining 7.0 tickets (with concentration on high/medium priority)
    1. Fix all "high priority" bugs and ideally all "medium priority" bugs on our 7.0 board
    2. Review/test all PRs assigned to you for review/testing:
  5. Finishing 7.0 Technical Documentation
    1. More eyes on Installing DSpace (especially the Angular UI instructions)
    2. See also, Documentation tickets at



7.0 Release Goals

These resources define the prioritization and general schedule we are working towards

Current Work

Project Board

DSpace 7.0 Final Project Board:

To quickly find PRs assigned to you for review, visit  (This is also available in the GitHub header under "Pull Requests → Review Requests")

Issue Triage process

Security / Performance Tests

Brainstorming options for security testing & performance testing.  How do we want to handle both of these prior to 7.0 final?

  1. Security Review/Scanning of pre-7.0:  See DSpace 7 Security Analysis 
  2. Performance testing of pre-7.0: See DSpace 7 Performance Analysis
