
This course is designed to work with copyright concepts introduced in the previous four copyright courses offered by LYRASIS and the Virtual Copyright Education Center in Spring 2021, so that students can take a strategic approach when integrating copyright practices into the operations and policies of their respective museums, libraries, and archives. In particular, students will learn to devise and implement rights data management and copyright assessment protocols to better mitigate risks and identify opportunities when working with collections in the online environment; develop or integrate copyright policies in collections management and preservation activities; and find potential access solutions to the digital dissemination of collections materials based on their expertise in collections management, preservation, and their newly developed copyright literacy skills.

Participation in previous LYRASIS and Virtual Copyright Education Center classes is recommended for this class but not required.

Learning Outcomes


Access to the recording of the class delivered live on 3/10/21 is available to LYRASIS Learning subscribers in the Learning Library and through partnerships with advisory group members, instructors, and other copyright education programs.  
