
This meeting is a hybrid teleconference and slack chat. Anyone is welcome to join...here's the info:


  1. Danny Bernstein
  2. David Wilcox 
  3. Jared Whiklo 
  4. Peter Winckles (star)
  5. Daniel Lamb 
  6. Ben Pennell 
  7. Thomas Bernhart 
  8. Calvin Xu 
  9. Michael Ritter 


  1. Announcements
  2. Docker on M1 Mac and multi-architecture docker builds.
    1. Leverage multi-CPU architecture support
  3. Testing
    1. migration-utils slow-down update
  4. "Cannot create child of immutable resource" (Slack discussion on #tech)
  5. Updates on the performance improvement work
    1. Short-lived transactions related issues
      1. https://fedora-repository.atlassian.net/browse/FCREPO-3695: Single-request transactions should not use db transaction tables (done)
      2. https://fedora-repository.atlassian.net/browse/FCREPO-3697 : Multi-request transactions can be put in a bad state (done)
      3. https://fedora-repository.atlassian.net/browse/FCREPO-3696: Reads to large containers unacceptably slow (needs more testing)
    2. Other database issues
      1. https://fedora-repository.atlassian.net/browse/FCREPO-3561 : Add commit() and rollback() support to DbSearchIndexImpl  
      2. https://fedora-repository.atlassian.net/browse/FCREPO-3638: Create indices on search tables 
      3. https://fedora-repository.atlassian.net/browse/FCREPO-3691 : Improve performance of search queries that return rdf types
      4. Reintroduce shortlived transactional updates to search index.
    3. Memory leak: https://github.com/fcrepo/fcrepo/pull/1897 (resolved)
  6. Pr-release short list of bug fixes and improvements
    1. https://fedora-repository.atlassian.net/browse/FCREPO-3620 : Fedora 5 -> 6 upgrade fails if a Fedora 5 export has retrieved the external binaries
    2. https://fedora-repository.atlassian.net/browse/FCREPO-3672: Update fcrepo-java-client to run against Fedora 6
    3. De-OSGI-ify camel toolbox
  7. Any other new tickets/issues to be considered for the release
    1. https://fedora-repository.atlassian.net/browse/FCREPO-3697: refactor tx state.  (complete)
  8. Your topic


  1. In Review

  2. Please squash a bug!

  3. Tickets resolved this week:

  4. Tickets created this week:


  1. Announcements
    1. None
  2. Docker on M1 Mac and multi-architecture docker builds
    1. Prebuilt image doesn't work – need to pull it and build locally
    2. New docker buildx command should be able to build images for different architectures
  3. Testing
    1. migration-utils
      1. Calvin's Maven was too old so he couldn't build it; asked for a built jar
  4. "Cannot create child of immutable resource"
    1. There's a bug when POSTing to a resource that does not exist adds the resource to the root resource
    2. There was confusion about the differences between PUT and POST.
      1. POST creates the resource under the resource that was POSTed to; if the slug already exists, it generates a different id
    3. Andrey was surprised when he created resources with empty nodes and could not get the contents because the ghost nodes are not containers
      1. Maybe there could be a configuration to enable creating containers instead of ghost nodes
      2. Ben: could we fake the ghost node containment?
  5. Updates on the performance improvement work
    1. Tx improvements are in
    2. Danny has his PR almost ready
    3. Need more testing on GETs on nodes with lots of children
    4. Memory leak is fixed
  6. Remaining work
    1. camel toolbox stuff
    2. java client update
    3. containment index cache
  7. Scott has been working on mapping F3 to F6 APIs and has a draft ready for review
