
Call-in Information

Time: 11:00 am, Eastern Time (New York, GMT-04:00)

To join the online meeting:



(star)  Indicating note-taker

  1. Brian Lowe
  2. Michel Héon 
  3. William Welling 
  4. Huda Khan (star)
  5. Bruce Herbert (first half hour)


  1. Development issues for RC1 are cleared.  Only documentation / test procedure updates remain.  Blocker issues:
  2. Documentation
    1. Simplifying first pages of documentation / "Quickstart" installation guide with Docker
    2. VIVO 1.12.x Documentation
    3. READMEs that need updating
      1. Updating set of available languages (or point people to list of directories?):
        1. Should this also be copied to VIVO-languages?
      2. Updating links to current wiki documentation:
        1. Also update Docker documentation to check out parallel repositories?
  3. RC1 testing
    1. Making it easy
    2. For comparison: DSpace "testathon" page and demo server: DSpace Release 7.0 Testathon Page
    3. Submitting test results without needing wiki access:
      1. Draft Google forms courtesy William Welling:
  4. Any "final" initial feedback on VIVO in a Box before next Leadership meeting:
    1. Reference slides: 
  5. Other topics?

Future topics

  1. Forward-looking topics:
    1. frameworks: Spring / Spring Boot / alternatives
    2. Horizontal scalability
    3. Deployment
    4. Configuration : files / environment variables / GUI settings
    5. Editing / form handling
    6. Adding custom theming without customizing build
  2. Post-release priorities
    1. Ingest / Kafka
    2. Advanced Role Management
    3. Moving Scholars closer to core - next steps
  3. Vitro JMS messaging approaches - redux
    1. Which architectural pattern should we take?
    2. What should the body of the messages be
  4. Incremental development initiatives
    1. Integration test opportunities with the switch to TDB - requires startup/shutdown of external Solr ..via Maven


  1. Status of In-Review tickets



Draft notes on Google Drive