CharterProject PageTerminologyReferencesWorking DocumentsDeliverablesMeeting Notes


Under Construction

Scope & Objectives

This group will explore best practices for authorities that want to share their metadata through a linked data search API.  In this charter, the group will explore and make recommendations for change management of authoritative data.  We will define the common types of changes, determine the format for conveying changes to downstream consumers, and specify tooling options for publishing changes that allow for cached data to by synced and updated.  This work is specifically looking to provide recommendations that allow for the creation of a common toolset that works across authorities supported by different agencies.

This group should be comprised of a balance of members from multiple authority providers, authority consumers, and tool developers.  Members need to be able to commit to the following deliverables and timeframe.

Deliverables & Timeframe

Anticipated deliverables will include:

The group will begin meeting in late spring 2021 (approximately mid April or early May).  The group will meet for 1 hour every other week and its sunset date will be approximately 4 months after the start date.  If more time is required, a new working group charter will be created.

Meeting Times & Communication Channels

Slack channel:  authority_api_wg


Lynette Rayle is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Search API Best Practices for Authoritative Data Working Group
Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime

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Meeting ID: 978 3341 8638
Password: 337576
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Meeting ID: 978 3341 8638
Password: 337576

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Meeting Notes


Working Group Documents


Roles are defined as:

Expression of interest:

Working Group has convened.


Facilitator : E. Lynette Rayle (Cornell - Developer)  

  1. add your name or send it to facilitator
  2. your name
  3. your name
