MARC catalogers have a long history of leveraging Discogs (, a marketplace and online community of music aficionados, as a trusted source of information to describe music recordings. We are excited to inform our LD4P3 partners and the LD4 community about the integration of Discogs metadata into item views of audio recordings in the Cornell production catalog.  We began this work as part of the LD4P2 discovery Discogs exploration and made modifications based on discussions with our library catalog user representatives and the Discovery and Access team, the group responsible for our Blacklight catalog.  The current version dynamically integrates Discogs data into item views using the Discogs search API based on existing MARC descriptions in the catalog Solr index. 

When present, Discogs identifiers in the Solr index are used to retrieve information about that item.  Otherwise, the Discogs search API will search for item matches using a combination of different metadata fields. The information is interleaved into the page in the same order that equivalent catalog metadata fields are displayed.  A link on the page enables users to highlight which fields are retrieved from Discogs.  The link to the Discogs release is also included at the bottom of the page.  An example catalog item supplemented by Discogs data can be found here: 

Given the importance and relevance of the Discogs data, we hope that this API-based integration, which uses identifiers when available, will provide benefit to our end users.  Special thanks to Tim Worrall, our lead developer on this work, our library catalog user representatives, and the Discovery and Access team.

References: Using Discogs to Enhance Discovery