10 AM US Eastern Time

Call-in Information

Please see calendar invite for the Zoom link.


David Wilcox

Terrie R. Wheeler

Julia Trimmer

Michele Mennielli


Ann Beynon



  1. Announcements
  2. Review membership changes since last meeting
  3. Review new VIVO registered sites since last meeting
    1. Welcome package for new registered users
  4. Review list of active VIVO sites
    1. Progress update on investigating potentially inactive sites
  5. Establishing regional users groups
    1. Updates on North American and European efforts
    2. What can we do to promote these events?
    3. Follow-up actions from NA meeting based on registrants spreadsheet
  6. Marketing video
    1. Check-in on progress - anything for this group to do?


  1. Announcements
  2. Membership changes
    1. New member: UC Davis (Bronze)
      1. Julia will reach out
    2. Humboldt University
      1. Still in the process of hiring people to work on VIVO, slowed down due to COVID
      2. Working on a side project with VIVO
      3. Technical infrastructure needs to be in place before establishing membership 
  3. NA user group meeting
    1. Create a wiki and Slack channel for user group
    2. Draft a message to all attendees: maintain the momentum, establish UG resources
    3. Build engagement, demonstrate value
    4. Include a message about the importance of membership
  4. Spanish language user group meeting
    1. Plan to organize a meeting before the conference
    2. Could also meet briefly at the conference

Action Items