We are currently supporting migration to Fedora 6 from Fedora 3, 4.7.5 and 5.1.1.  This document describes the migration process for each of these pathways.

The Fedora 3→ 6 Migration Path


This migration path relies on the migration-utils tool.

The migration-utils tool can migrate either exported FOXML (in archive or migration format), or directly migrate the Fedora 3 data stored on-disk.  We recommend the direct Fedora 3 filesystem migration.

The migration-utils tool will not make any changes to your Fedora 3 repository  – it only reads data from Fedora 3. 

You will need to make sure that you have sufficient storage space available in the target Fedora 6 (OCFL) directory, as the migration will effectively create a copy of your Fedora 3 repository in the Fedora 6 format which conforms to the Oxford Common File Layout (OCFL) specification. 

Once your Fedora 3 repository has been migrated to Fedora 6, you may start up an instance of Fedora 6 on top of the newly created OCFL directory tree.  As Fedora 6 starts up it will automatically rebuild internal indices by scanning the OCFL tree.  This index initialization can take a few seconds or several hours depending on the size of your repository.

Note that the Fedora 3 migration utility will not migrate the following Fedora 3 features:



  1. Download the latest version of the  migration-utils utility: https://github.com/fcrepo-exts/migration-utils/releases

  2. Follow the instructions in the migration-utils README: https://github.com/fcrepo-exts/migration-utils
  3. Start up Fedora on top of your newly created Fedora 6 OCFL-compliant repository using the -Dfcrepo.home configuration property.

The migration-utils tool is a java command-line tool.  Make sure you run the utility with Java 11.

Hints and warnings

Example migration workflow

Select 1000 pids or so from your Fedora 3 repository, and migrate just those objects to an OCFL repository.  Start up Fedora 6 on the sample OCFL tree, and examine.  You may also look at the contents of the OCFL repository on the filesystem – the structure and contents are easily visible to the naked eye.  Use the sample run to determine the disk space required, and time needed to migrate your whole repository.

Full migration:

  1. Shut down  your Fedora 3 repository or put it in offline mode.
  2. For a partial migration, create a file with a list of PIDs to be migrated (one PID per line).  You may create several PID list files, one for each batch of objects to migrate.  You can migrate just those objects in the file with the tool's --pid-file parameter.
  3. Run the migration utility, redirecting the output to a log file.  Run it with the --continue-on-error flag.
  4. After the migration has finished, look for objects with errors in the log file.  Fix them, if possible, and create a new PID file with just the PIDs of the fixed objects.
  5. Delete the datastream index directory, and re-run the migration utility, using the PID file with the fixed PIDs.
  6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 until all objects in the PID batch are successfully migrated (or dropped from migration).
  7. If running partial migrations in batches, repeat the above steps with the next batch of pids.

Once you are satisfied with the migration, start up Fedora 6 on top of your new OCFL repository.

Migration-utils command line

Usage: migration-utils [-chrVx] [--debug] -a=<targetDir> [-d=<f3DatastreamsDir>] [-e=<f3ExportedDir>] [-f=<f3hostname>] \
                       [-i=<indexDir>] [-l=<objectLimit>] [-m=<migrationType>] [-o=<f3ObjectsDir>] [-p=<pidFile>] -t=<f3SourceType> [-u=<user>] [-U=<userUri>]
    -h, --help 
        Show this help message and exit.
    -V, --version 
        Print version information and exit.
    -t, --source-type=<f3SourceType>
        Fedora 3 source type. Choices: akubra | legacy | exported
    -d, --datastreams-dir=<f3DatastreamsDir>
        Directory containing Fedora 3 datastreams (used with --source-type 'akubra' or 'legacy')
    -o, --objects-dir=<f3ObjectsDir>
        Directory containing Fedora 3 objects (used with --source-type 'akubra' or 'legacy')
    -e, --exported-dir=<f3ExportedDir>
        Directory containing Fedora 3 export (used with --source-type 'exported')
    -a, --target-dir=<targetDir>
        Directory where the migrated objects will be written
    -I, --delete-inactive 
        Migrate objects and datastreams in the Inactive state as deleted. 
        Default: false.
    -m, --migration-type=<migrationType>
        Type of OCFL objects to migrate to. Choices: FEDORA_OCFL | PLAIN_OCFL
        Default: FEDORA_OCFL
    -l, --limit=<objectLimit> 
        Limit number of objects to be processed.
        Default: no limit
    -r, --resume 
        Resume from last successfully migrated Fedora 3 object
        Default: false
    -c, --continue-on-error
        Continue to next PID if an error occurs (instead of exiting). Disabled by default.
        Default: false
    -p, --pid-file=<pidFile> 
        PID file listing which Fedora 3 objects to migrate
    -i, --index-dir=<indexDir> 
        Directory where cached index of datastreams (will reuse index if already exists)
    -x, --extensions
        Add file extensions to migrated datastreams based on mimetype recorded in FOXML
        Default: false
    -f, --f3hostname=<f3hostname>
        Hostname of Fedora 3, used for replacing placeholder in 'E' and 'R' datastream URLs
        Default: fedora.info
    -u, --username=<user>
        The username to associate with all of the migrated resources.
        Default: fedoraAdmin
    -U, --user-uri=<userUri>
        The username URI to associate with all of the migrated resources.
        Default: info:fedora/fedoraAdmin
        Enables debug logging

A Sample Migration From 3→6

Step 1: Run  fcrepo-migration-utils

java -jar migration-utils-<latest-version>-driver.jar \
  --source-type=legacy \
  --limit=100 \
  --target-dir=my-fcrepo-6-home \
  --objects-dir=<path to objects dir> \
  --datastreams-dir=<path to datastreams dir>

Step 2: Start up Fedora 6

java -Dfcrepo.home=my-fcrepo-6-home -jar fcrepo-webapp-<latest fedora 6 version>-jetty-console.jar --headless

The Fedora 4 →  6 Migration Path

The Fedora 4 → 6 migration path assumes your source repository is version 4.7.5. If you are running an earlier version of Fedora 4.x please see the Upgrade Notes for the steps to upgrade to version 4.7.5.


Migrating from Fedora 4 → 6 is slightly more complicated than the 3→ 6  path. In a nutshell , you will need to do the following:

  1. Export your Fedora 4.7.5 repository to disk using the Fedora Import Export Tool (v0.3.0)
  2. Upgrade your Fedora 4.7.5 export to a Fedora 5.1.1 export using the latest release of Fedora Upgrade Utility
  3. Upgrade the Fedora 5.1.1 export to Fedora 6 compliant OCFL using the same utility except this time using the output of the previous step as the input for this task and adjusting the source and target parameters accordingly.
  4. Start up your Fedora 6 pointing to the newly created OCFL in the previous step.

A Sample Migration From 4→6

Step 1: Export from 4.7.5 

Make sure that your Fedora 4.7.5 instance is running.  Also be sure that you are using v0.3.0 of the import export tool:  ie fcrepo-import-export-0.3.0.jar! Then run the following command (swapping in appropriate local values):

java -jar fcrepo-import-export-0.3.0.jar -b \
  -d my-4.7.5-export \
  -u fedoraAdmin \
  -p fedoraAdmin \
  -m export \
  -r http://localhost:8080/rest

Step 2: Upgrade exported 4.7.5 to 5.1.1 export using latest version of fcrepo-upgrade-utils:

java -jar fcrepo-upgrade-utils-<latest version>.jar \
  -i my-4.7.5-export \ 
  -o my-5.1.1-export \
  -s 4.7.5 \
  -t 5+

Step 3: Upgrade 5.1.1 export to  Fedora 6 compliant OCFL

# create your destination directory for the upgrade
mkdir -p  my-fcrepo-6-home

java -jar fcrepo-upgrade-utils-<latest-version>.jar \
  -i my-5.1.1-export \
  -o my-fcrepo-6-home \
  -s 5+ \
  -t 6+ \
  -u http://localhost:8080/rest

Step 4: Start up Fedora 6

java -Dfcrepo.home=my-fcrepo-6-home -jar fcrepo-webapp--<latest fedora 6 version>-jetty-console.jar --headless

The Fedora 5 →  6 Migration Path


For migrating from Fedora 5.1.1 you will follow a similar process to the previous section, however note that you will use a different version of the import export tool to export your F5 repository and you will perform only one upgrade. In other words, here are the steps:

  1. Export your Fedora 5.1.1 repository to disk using the Fedora Import Export Tool v1.0.0.
  2. Upgrade the Fedora 5.1.1 export to Fedora 6 compliant OCFL using the latest release of the  Fedora Upgrade Utility
  3. Start up your Fedora pointing to the newly created OCFL in the previous step.

Below you will find a sample recipes for this migration path.

A Sample Migration From 5→6

Step 1: Export from 5.1.1

Make sure that your Fedora 5 instance is running.  Also be sure that you are using v1.0.0 of the import export tool. Then run the following command:

java -jar fcrepo-import-export-1.0.0.jar -b \
  -d my-5.1.1-export \
  -u fedoraAdmin:fedoraAdmin \
  -m export \
  -r http://localhost:8080/rest

Step 2: Upgrade 5.1.1 export to  Fedora 6 compliant OCFL using latest version of fcrepo-upgrade-utils:

java -jar fcrepo-upgrade-utils-<latest-version>.jar \
  -i my-5.1.1-export \
  -o my-fcrepo-6-home \
  -s 5+ \
  -t 6+ \
  -u http://localhost:8080/rest

Step 3: Fire up Fedora 6

java -Dfcrepo.home=my-fcrepo-6-home -jar fcrepo-webapp-<latest fedora 6 version>-jetty-console.jar --headless