
The following directions are for DSpace 1.5.x and above!


Quick Restart (Just restarts the web server after configuration changes*)

(*Exception - Changes to always requires a rebuild!)

  1. Stop Tomcat (WARNING: this will bring down the website)
  1. Start Tomcat

Quick Build: (Quick build after smaller, usually JSP based or XMLUI-Theme based, changes)

  1. Log on to the server DSpace is running on (e.g. ssh). Make sure to login as the user who initially installed DSpace!
  2. Open a command prompt (if you don't have one already), and
  3. mvn build
    (recompiles all DSpace code and rebuilds the DSpace installation package)
  4. cd
    (move into the target directory where DSpace has been rebuilt)
  5. ant update
    (updates your DSpace install based on the newly built content in your target directory)
  6. If you do not have Tomcat pointing at your dspace
    directory, you will also need to copy your final web application(s) into your Tomcat
  7. Test your changes in DSpace

Full Refresh/Rebuild: (Completely refresh all of DSpace)

  1. Log on to the server DSpace is running on (e.g. ssh). Make sure to log in as the user who initially installed DSpace!
  2. Open a command prompt (if you don't have one already), and
  3. mvn clean build
    (removes all old compiled code and recompiles all DSpace code and rebuilds the DSpace installation package)
  4. cd
    (move into the target directory where DSpace has been rebuilt)
  5. ant update
    (updates your DSpace install based on the newly built content in your target directory)
  6. If you do not have Tomcat pointing at your dspace
    directory, you will also need to copy your final web application(s) into your Tomcat
  7. Test changes in DSpace
  8. Start Tomcat
  9. Test your changes in DSpace