Attending: Vinopal, Metz, Prater, Gore, Cartolano

Zoom Link: See invitation




Membership Model Proposal

With the current state of membership renewals, it has been proposed that changes need to be made to the current membership model to ensure recurring income. Through extensive discussion, 3 proposals were generated to assist with short, medium, and long-term actions. 

Membership Model Brainstorming Meeting

Goal: Identify a method for moving forward long-term actions for improving Fedora's business model.



Next steps. Action items.


How do we diversify our revenue streams?

What are the benefits that organizations get for membership?

What are the benefits that we get as part of our relationship with LYRASIS?  How can we can communicate these benefits more broadly?

What are some strategies that we can employ to rethink our business model?

Action Items