
Call-in Information

Time: 11:00 am, Eastern Time (New York, GMT-04:00)

To join the online meeting:



(star)  Indicating note-taker

  1. William Welling 
  2. Andrew Woods 
  3. Brian Lowe
  4. Ralph O'Flinn (star)
  5. Michel Héon 
  6. Huda Khan
  7. Alexander (Sacha) Jerabek
  8. Benjamin Gross
  9. Don Elsborg
  10. Santhosh Kumar Gopalan


  1. Next week's meeting - Cancelled
  2. TIB/UQAM - Kafka initiative updates - 2020-12-16 - Special Topic - VIVO Kafka Ingest
  3. Community mailing list
    1. Error when trying to link a person with a grant
    2. Images are not displayed after migration
  4. 1.11.2 patch release
  5. Transition from JIRA to GitHub-Issues?
    1. Potential larger gains to be had with using GitHub Actions to push VIVO Docker images
  6. Working towards 1.12
    1. To be reviewed 
    2. Documentation needed
    3. 1.12 release planning
      1. Email of schedule to vivo-community 
      2. Code freeze once i18n tickets are merged into the sprint-i18n branch (Jan 20th)
      3. Sprint to test merge of sprint-18n into master: week of Jan 25th
      4. 1.12 release candidate #1: Feb 1st
        1. Two week RC-1 testing period
        2. For each subsequent RC-2 (if required), adding another two weeks to the schedule
      5. Do we want the `war` install in 1.12? -
  7. Tickets that should be close to merge
  8. Post-i18n priorities
    1. VIVO-in-a-box
    2. Messaging
    3. Moving Scholars closer to core - next steps

Future topics

  1. Vitro JMS messaging approaches - redux
    1. Which architectural pattern should we take?
    2. What should the body of the messages be?
  2. Renaming of 'master' branch? (ZDNet, BBC)
    1. Guidance from GitHub 
    2. DSpace has done it
    3. Fedora has done it
    4. Samvera is doing it
  3. Incremental development initiatives
    1. Integration test opportunities with the switch to TDB - requires startup/shutdown of external Solr ..via Maven


  1. Status of In-Review tickets


Draft notes in Google-Doc 

Next week's meeting

  1. Cancelled (12-22)

TIB/UQAM - Kafka initiative updates - 2020-12-16 - Special Topic - VIVO Kafka Ingest

  1. If you have anything for the Agenda or links to items for people to follow along tomorrow please post on Wiki or give to Ralph.
  2. Michel will be updating git and the Wiki
  3. Ralph will send invite for meeting

Community mailing list

  1. Error when trying to link a person with a grant
    1. Brian is working with user
    2. Possible reasoner issue?
    3. Maybe have him join the call?
  2. Images are not displayed after migration
    1. Benjamin will reach out to the user

1.11.2 patch release

  1. Will pick back up in Jan

Transition from JIRA to GitHub-Issues?

  1. Potential larger gains to be had with using GitHub Actions to push VIVO Docker images
  2. Is this a Priority? Rank?
  3. Start after the release (Ralph, Andrew)


  1. Integrate VIVO with Active Directory
  2. How to make content Private
    1. Sensitive data
    2. Segregate between departments
  3. Brian has worked on their VIVO previously
  4. Possible use of Advanced Role Management VIVO-1436
  5. Use of IP Address Ranges?
