We are currently supporting migration to Fedora 6 from Fedora 3, 4.7.5 and 5.1.1.  This document describes the migration process for each of these pathways.

The Fedora 3→ Fedora 6 Migration Path


To walk this migration path you'll need to download and run the  migration-utils tool directly against the on-disk representation of your Fedora 3 repository.  In other words it is not necessary to export your Fedora 3 repository.  The fcrepo-migration-utils will not make any changes to your Fedora 3 repository so it is not necessary to make a backup before starting.  You'll need to make sure that you have sufficient storage space available in the target directory as the migration will effectively create a copy of your Fedora 3 repository in the Fedora 6 format which happens to conform to the Oxford Common File Layout (OCFL) specification.  Once your Fedora 3 repository has been migrated to Fedora 6, you must fire up Fedora 6 on top of the newly minted OCFL.  As Fedora 6 starts up it will automatically rebuild internal indices by scanning the OCFL.  This index initialization can take a few seconds or several hours depending on the size of your repository.

  1. Download the migration-utils utility: migration-utils-4.4.1-SNAPSHOT-25cdf-driver.jar

  2.  Follow the instructions in the migration-utils README: https://github.com/fcrepo-exts/migration-utils
  3. Start up Fedora on top of your newly minted Fedora 6 OCFL-compliant repository using the -Dfcrepo.home.   

A Sample Migration From 3→6

Step 1: Run  fcrepo-migration-utils

java -jar migration-utils-4.4.1-SNAPSHOT-25cdf-driver.jar

Step 2: Fire up Fedora 6

java -jar fcrepo-webapp-6.0.0-SNAPSHOT-jetty-console.jar -Dfcrepo.home=my-fcrepo-6 

The Fedora 4 → 5 →  6 Migration Path


Migrating from Fedora 4 → 6 is slightly more complicated than the 3→ 6  path.   In a nutshell , you'll need to do the following:

  1. Export your Fedora 4.7.5 repository to disk using the Fedora Import Export Tool (v0.3.0)
  2. Upgrade your Fedora 4.7.5 export to a Fedora 5.1.1 export using the latest release of Fedora Upgrade Utility
  3. Upgrade the Fedora 5.1.1 export to Fedora 6 compliant OCFL using the same utility except this time using the output of the previous step as the input for this task and adjusting the source and target parameters accordingly.
  4. Start up your Fedora pointing to the newly created OCFL in the previous step.

For migrating from Fedora 5.1.1 you'll follow a similar process however note that you'll use a different version of the import export tool to export your F5 repository and you'll perform only one upgrade. In other words, here are the steps:

  1. Export your Fedora 5.1.1 repository to disk using the Fedora Import Export Tool (v1.0.0)
  2. Upgrade the Fedora 5.1.1 export to Fedora 6 compliant OCFL  using the latest release of the  Fedora Upgrade Utility
  3. Start up your Fedora pointing to the newly created OCFL in the previous step.

Below you'll find sample recipes for both migration paths.

A Sample Migration From 4→6

Step 1: Export from 4.7.5 

Make sure that your Fedora 4.7.5 instance is running.  Also be sure that you are using  v0.3.0  of the import export tool:   ie fcrepo-import-export-0.3.0.jar! Then run the following command:

java -jar fcrepo-import-export-0.3.0.jar -b -d my-4.7.5-export -u fedoraAdmin -p fedoraAdmin -m export -r http://localhost:8080/rest

Step 2: Upgrade exported 4.7.5 to 5.1.1 export

# create your destination directory for the upgrade
mkdir my-5.1.1-export
# upgrade
java -jar target/fcrepo-upgrade-utils-<latest version>.jar -i my-4.7.5-export -o my-5.1.1-export -s 4.7.5 -t 5+

Step 3: Upgrade 5.1.1 export to  Fedora 6 compliant OCFL

# create your destination directory for the upgrade
mkdir -p  my-fcrepo-6/data 

java -jar fcrepo-upgrade-utils-<latest-version>.jar -i my-5.1.1-export -o my-fcrepo-6/data -s 5+ -t 6+ -u http://localhost:8080/rest

Step 4: Fire up Fedora 6

java -jar fcrepo-webapp-6.0.0-SNAPSHOT-jetty-console.jar -Dfcrepo.home=my-fcrepo-6 

A Sample Migration From 5→6

Step 1: Export from 51.1

Make sure that your Fedora 5 instance is running.  Also be sure that you are using  v1.0.0  of the import export tool:   Then run the following command:

java -jar fcrepo-import-export-1.0.0.jar -b -d my-5.1.1-export -u fedoraAdmin -p fedoraAdmin -m export -r http://localhost:8080/rest

Step 2: Upgrade 5.1.1 export to  Fedora 6 compliant OCFL

# create your destination directory for the upgrade
mkdir -p  my-fcrepo-6/data 

java -jar fcrepo-upgrade-utils-<latest-version>.jar -i my-5.1.1-export -o my-fcrepo-6/data -s 5+ -t 6+ -u http://localhost:8080/rest

Step 3: Fire up Fedora 6

java -jar fcrepo-webapp-6.0.0-SNAPSHOT-jetty-console.jar -Dfcrepo.home=my-fcrepo-6