Wednesday, October 28 at 11:00 EDT

LG members:

Paul Albert, Ann BeynonRobert Cartolano, Mike Conlon, Anna GuillaumetDoug Hahn, Christian HauschkeAnthony Helm, bruce herbert, Damaris Murry (star) Terrie Wheeler


Laurie Gemmill Arp, Robert Miller, Michele Mennielli


Federico Ferrario, Tom Cramer

(star) = Secretary

Connection Information

Zoom connection information is available in the Outlook invitation.


Greetings - Bruce (4 mins)
Andrew Woods/Mic - transitioning the mailing list (<10 mins)
Laurie Arp - Lyrasis updates (tentative) 10 mins
Christian Hauschke - German VIVO Updates (tentative) 10 mins
Bruce - Discussion of the VIVO-In-A-Box Proposal (30 mins)

Meeting Minutes