
Apologies, could not attend:

The (star) represents who will be taking notes for a given meeting. 

Discussion items




Welcome new members

  • Jenn to put out a call for participation on the Community list–we gained new members. Welcome Taphros and Emilio!

Emilio and Taphros are new to the Marketing Interest Group and participated in today's call. Emilio spoke about how we should market and promote What is DSpace and especially the strange and unique ways people are using DSpace. Susana talked about broadening our scope and market to businesses. FACT: Italy has a law that if a business has been active 40+ years that they must have a digital archive. INTERESTING!
  • Our ideas on increasing visibility
  • Social media: DSpace twitter account, blog, website

Twitter. The DSpace twitter account hasn't had a lot of tweets thus not much growth. We are working on a Google Form for the community to use to provide content. The Marketing group will then tweet.

Other updates needed: the webpage, Wikipedia, new videos--what is DSpace, features and general marketing brochures/marketing pieces are needed.

New members review and contribute to DSpace Comm Plan

Will do next meeting

Other business, news to share 

  • LYRASIS is working internally on the timeline for merging the two websites. Website update will be on every meeting agenda. Mic has plans for good translations on the future website.
  • The Annual Report is in draft! The Interest group will see a rough draft in a couple weeks to add/edit/approve
  • Concerns about the market. Elsevier bought Digital Commons, Exploro, others? How can we emphasize DSpace's functionality, affordability, and global usage to gain new users?
  • LYRASIS is working on the draft for the Annual Report. We hope to have something for this group to review during our 3rd Wed of the month meeting-- aiming for Oct 21.
  • DSpace 7.4 Beta is out! We are working on the community announcement, blog post, and will tweet.

Action items



Work on Annual ReportLYRASIS
Susana is working on DSpace 7.0 Beta 4 videosSusana
David is working on a What is a repository blog postDavid
Build a Google Form, beef up twitter usageJenn/All Marketing Interest Group
DSpace 7.0 Beta 4 Marketing launchesAll.