


  1. UMD updates
    1. Archelon released
    2. Moving into Docker and Kubernetes deployments
    3. Standing up Avalon for A/V
  2. Fedora 6.x Testing
    1. What is a reasonable amount of time for a complete repository rebuild?
    2. OCFL must introduce some trade-offs with regard to performance
    3. This is also a disaster recovery situation - no need to reindex the entire repository frequently
    4. Fedora 3 rebuild also took several days for large repositories
    5. Side-loading will be supported by indexing a particular object rather than the entire repository
  3. Who to reach out to for testing
    1. David to send a message to Leaders re: testing Fedora 6
    2. Check with Esme at Princeton re: support for inbound references
  4. Alpha release
    1. Are we ready for Alpha?
    2. Releasing an Alpha could help build interest and momentum
    3. The application can be brought up and run without digging into the source code at this point
    4. An Alpha release would invite more testing, which would be good to get sooner rather than later
    5. David to discuss with Andrew and Danny