DSpace UG Meeting July 2005 Summary


The DSpace Federation 2nd User Group meeting was held in Cambridge, UK on 2005-07-07 and 2005-07-08. The programme and presentations are available at DSpace@Cambridge at https://www.dspace.cam.ac.uk/handle/1810/206459.

Page seeded by obert Tansley - please add/amend.

reakout groups

The outcomes of the breakout groups, listed below, are a mix of discussion topics, identified requirements and priorities and recommended courses of action.

Digital Preservation

General consensus that great progress had been made in the move to open source in the last year. Much more development activity happening now than a year ago.
People from smaller institutions asked how they can become involved. Contributions do not need to be in terms of development – deployment experience, advocacy, testing are among other valuable contributions.
On the development front, if the architecture work was divided into clearly defined and specified steps, people could become involved more easily. The difficult bit is making the decisions required to divide the work this way. In this regard, the community is looking to the committers to provide some leadership in this area. People desire a visible road map, and maybe a public "to do" list. (oth of which already exist in basic form.)
DSpace.org site appears geared to academics, though DSpace has broader appeal. Perhaps it needs to be restructured?
Although there is the Wiki and the mailing lists, there still seem to be communication issues.

TODO (notes from MacKenzie Smith at MIT)

Proposal by Julie Walker for determining governance structure generally accepted/approved by those present
Short discussion on what it means to be a "member of the DSpace community" – should there be any "sign up" process? Suggestion for initial lightweight process (e.g. using Wiki)
equirements for governance identified during discussion: