
Tentative schedule for architectural review meeting

Schedule is subject to change as developments warrant.

The meeting of the ArchReview group will start at 9am in the Von Hippel Room (room 2137) in Building 13 at MIT on Monday, October 23.
Breakfast will be provided that day.
(Most meals on later days will not be brought in;
instead, we will eat at nearby locations.)

Most of the discussion topics are taken from issues mentioned in the ArchReviewIssues summary. In the discussion, we should keep in mind the
working principles from the first day. For exah main issue, I'd like to make sure we cover at least 4 points:

Monday, October 23

The first day features largely "big picture" discussions aimed at eliciting
requirements and priorities, and giving people a sense of the main issues
that our users face, their importance, and the implications for specific
architectural and implementation decisions. We won't go deeply into
specific implementation revisions today.

We'll assign times to these issues shortly.

Tuesday, October 24

More big picture discussion if needed and the start of specific issues. We start with two that are potentially rather large, and that have implications across the archietcture. I don't think we'll have any problem spending a day on these.

Wednesday, October 25

More Specific issues (both model and implementation issues.) For this
short day, I've picked two items that interact closely with some of the
bigger issues discussed yesterday (making it easier to slosh the schedule
a bit in either direction if need be).

Break Wednesday afternoon.

A couple of members will be leaving at the end of work today, or sometime
before the close of the meeting. If you're leaving early, I'd like to
have a sense of what issues you see as most important to work on and
what you'll be able to contribute. (E.g. if you're interested in, say,
workflow and can work with a small group to co-write a detailed plan to
revise the workflow support process, say. Then we can make sure you are
hooked up with an appropriate task group afterwards.)

Thursday, October 26

Here we look over some more specific issues that might not be as broad as those in previous days, but have still been identified as important to address:

Friday, October 27

This is a shortened day to step back and make sure we all understand what we've
accomplished, decided on, and still have unresolved; to wrap up loose ends;
and to plan for production and delivery of our architectural recommendations and
a smooth handoff of them to development efforts.

The meeting will end at 1pm on Friday, October 27.